
This is a blog of Theresa Konieczny for the INF 101 class (Introduction to Informatics). For any random people stumbling across this I will quickly explain that Informatics is a new field being offered at Indiana University. I highly suggest you drop whatever you are doing and transfer to IU and take this class, as you get credit for playing around on the internet. And I will further quickly explain to my instructors that I am just kidding as I am sure I will get a lot out of this class :))

wtorek, kwietnia 18, 2006

Here is my attempt at an excel flowchart. The wording of Matic's grade system didn't give people with scores of 45 or 90 a grade, so I hope my interpretation is okay... Also here is a fun graph from The church of the flying spaghetti monster which shows how you can find supposed relationships where they don't really exist.... Sorry spaghetti monster!


Blogger el suzo said...

wow - this site is alot cooler than mine. there's some actual information in it. mitch is in puerto rico so i've been getting drunk and making horribly personal and embarassing blogs where i want to change my real name to a fake name. i keep messing it all up so i might delete all of them anyway. well, i don't want to pollute your course blog with personal information, so i will find your email and drop you a line. (this is suzi by the way. i'm not sure what fake name i put on the account)

8:52 PM  

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