
This is a blog of Theresa Konieczny for the INF 101 class (Introduction to Informatics). For any random people stumbling across this I will quickly explain that Informatics is a new field being offered at Indiana University. I highly suggest you drop whatever you are doing and transfer to IU and take this class, as you get credit for playing around on the internet. And I will further quickly explain to my instructors that I am just kidding as I am sure I will get a lot out of this class :))

piątek, stycznia 13, 2006

Library of Babel
I thought the Library of Babel story was interesting, definitely something to make one think. I wondered about the hexagonal construction of the library rooms. Was the choice of this shape related somehow, to the choice in nature by bees to optimize their room space by building hives in hexagons? Or maybe it was because they can be arranged side by side to form a grid (as often used in war games...). Such a layout is more appropriate for wandering about randomally and possibly gettting lost, than a simple grid of squares would have been.