
This is a blog of Theresa Konieczny for the INF 101 class (Introduction to Informatics). For any random people stumbling across this I will quickly explain that Informatics is a new field being offered at Indiana University. I highly suggest you drop whatever you are doing and transfer to IU and take this class, as you get credit for playing around on the internet. And I will further quickly explain to my instructors that I am just kidding as I am sure I will get a lot out of this class :))

niedziela, stycznia 22, 2006

I enjoyed Monday's lecture, particularily the part about the early home computers. My dad had a model I TRS-80, so I was disappointed it "didn't make the history books". I'd like to include a picture of ME with the old TRS-80, but my parents are in Arizona for the cold months, so I'll have to wait until Spring to see if they can dig any up. But meanwhile, here's a picture I found online..
I peeked ahead at the first installation of the individual project, and must admit I find the Black Box to be perplexing! But I guess we'll learn more tomorrow..